Fit For Work Policy
Company is committed to ensuring systems and procedures are in place to promote and maintain an employee’s ability to perform their tasks safely and efficiently.
Personnel can be directly affected by a number of factors; the amount of rest periods between work shifts, the duration of work shifts, quality of rest time, overall fitness of employees and the use of alcohol or prescribed and non-prescribed medication or drugs that influence their ability to work safely.
The objectives of this Policy are to provide and promote a safe working environment by;
- Ensuring employees are fit for work,
- Improving and maintaining Company's ability to meet its duty of care obligations,
- Improving and maintaining an awareness of fitness for work responsibilities amongst personnel,
- Providing appropriate assistance to overcome problems that could impair fitness for work,
- Monitoring compliance and enforcement of this policy and its procedures, including drug and alcohol testing, and
- Providing effective, fair and constructive procedures for dealing with people who are unfit for work.
Management (including Supervisors) are responsible for ensuring, within their level of control, the safety and health of employees, and the provision of training & resources to ensure compliance to the ‘Fit for Work’ Policy.
All employees are required to take reasonable care for their own health and safety, and that of any other person that may be affected by their work activities. They are also required to comply with all instructions and directions established to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
We make the above commitment with the expectation of the full support and cooperation of all personnel.
This policy is supported by our HSSEQ Systems and will be reviewed annually.