Noise Policy
As an employer, Company is responsible for controlling the risks of injury and disease associated with workplace noise.
Excessive noise can result in permanent hearing loss. It can also create other problems such as stress leading to tiredness, irritability and headache. It can cause dizziness, raise blood pressure and increase heart rate.
Noise increases the risk of incidents by disguising sounds of approaching danger or warnings, and potentially affecting balance, concentration and communication among co-workers.
Company requires that noise levels are controlled, and will ensure that the risks of injury and disease are minimised or eliminated.
Controls will be implemented where necessary for noise in excess of:
- An average of 85 decibels over an 8 hour period
- A peak sound pressure of 140 decibels at any one time
Company will maintain records and regularly review its performance in regard to this commitment.
We make the above commitment with the expectation of the full support and cooperation of all personnel.